Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bomet County Job Opportunities

County Government of Bomet

The County Assembly

Notice of Vacancy in the Office of the Speaker

Pursuant to Article 178 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and Standing Order No. 4 of Bomet County Assembly Standing Orders, it is notified to the general public that the Office of the Speaker of Bomet County Assembly is vacant following court orders to that effect. 

Article 178 of the Constitution provides that there shall be a Speaker for a County Assembly, who shall be elected by that County Assembly from among persons who are qualified to be elected as members of the County Assembly but are not such members.

Interested persons who qualify to be elected as members of the County Assembly but are not such members are therefore invited to collect nomination papers from the Office of the Interim Clerk of Bomet County Assembly on 12th August 2013 during working hours and return them with the following on or before 19th August 2013 at twelve noon to pave way for elections on the 21st August
2013 starting at 2.30 Pm.

1. Curriculum Vitae and other Testimonials.

2. Clearance certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board.

3. Certificate of Good Conduct.

4. Compliance with Chapter Six of the Constitution/Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

5. Compliance certificate from KRA.

6. Clearance Certificate from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

NB: Any Previous conviction will be grounds for disqualification.

Daniel S. Nkere
Interim Clerk
Bomet County Assembly

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