Sunday, August 11, 2013

Legal Council

  • Drafting of private members’ bills
  • Drafting of amendments to bills to be proposed to the Assembly by any member of assembly or any committee of Assembly.
  • Giving Legal interpretation of Acts and Bills and generally giving Legal Advice on matters relating to the County Assembly.
  • Ensuring that Bills passed by the County Assembly comply with the Constitution
  • Liaising with the Office of the County Attorney on Litigation Matters involving the County Assembly
  • Legal Representation of the County Assembly and the County Assembly Service Board in Court proceedings.
Requirements for Appointments
  • Have a Bachelor of Law Degree
  • Be Admitted as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya
  • Be registered as a Commissioner of Oaths
  • Be in possession of a current practicing certificate; and
  • Have proficiency in the use of basic computer applications.
All Applications should clearly indicate the position applied for in the reference line and on the top left corner on the envelope and be addressed to;

The Secretary,
County Assembly Service Board
County Assembly of Nyamira
P.O Box 590-40500,

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